My 3 Favourite Places To Land In Fortnite - Fortnite Season 6 Primal

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2021-05-11 submitted by
Daz Man
In Todays Video, im going to show you my 3 favourite places to land in Fortnite Season 6 Primal! These are my 3 FAVOURITE places for guarenteed loot, guns and a GREAT start to the battle royale. For Solo, Duo, Trio and Squads! In an added bonus as well, prepare to see a Victory Royale as well as a 2nd place to go along with it, to show you just how good these landing spots can be! Main Minecraft Channel - Shorts Channel - Fortnite Creator Code - DazManGamingYT - In connection with Epic Games’ Support-A-Creator Program, I may receive a commission from certain in-game purchases. Instagram - Twitter - Thank you!
Favourite Places To Land In Fortnite
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