Predicting the Switch 2 Launch Games

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2025-01-15 submitted by
Daryl Wong
Don't miss our Switch 2 launch title predictions! With the release of the Nintendo Switch 2 very clearly on the horizon, we’re starting to wonder what Nintendo Switch 2 games we’ll be playing on it come launch day. So, in the absence of an official day one lineup, why don’t we have a good ol’ guess at what the Switch 2 launch games could be?  With Super Mario, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, and even Halo rumoured to be on the way, we know it’s too much of a dream to think that all of these games will hit the Switch 2 on day one, but even if we get half of them we think we’re in for a great time when we pick up those new joy-con. Here’s what we think (or more accurately, hope) Nintendo has in store for us when the Switch 2 release date rolls around. What are your Nintendo Switch 2 predictions for the new Nintendo console? Let us know in the comments! #Switch2 #Nintendo #Gaming
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switch 2 launch games
nintendo switch 2 games
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nintendo switch 2 launch titles
nintendo switch 2 launch games
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super mario
Mario kart 9
metroid prime
metroid prime 4
halo master chief collection
doom the dark ages
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switch 2 games prediction
switch 2 predictions
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