Fortnite Season 6 Montage Ep #2 this video contains some of the best Fails, Funny Moments, Angry People, and a little bit of Troll Reactions
Good Afternoon Everyone! This is the 2nd entry to my Epic Fortnite Series most or almost all entries to the series will contain some trolling and funny moments with friends also some super clutch moments, but I hope yall enjoy and if you do let me know in the comment section below and also hit the thumbs up button, and subscribe! Thanks for watching!!! :)
PSN: RedSpectarGaming
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Overwatch Settings:
Horizontal sens 100
Vertical sens 100
Aim assist strength 100
Aim assist window size 50
Aim assist legacy mode Off
Aim assist ease in 50
Aim smoothing 95
Dual zone
#Fortnite#Troll #Season8 #Toxic #Salty #Troll #OWMW #Funny #Overwatch #FPS #Girl #Throwing #Stupid #Anger #Rage #lol #lmao #funny #salty #hanzo #competitive #mercy #rude #Genji #mean #toxic #overwatchmemes #overwatch #PS4 #overwatchps4 #videogames #comedy #laugh #DbD #memes #DeadbyDaylight #console #Doomfist #Bad #happy #girlgamer #triggered #angry #easy #macree #mei #widow #trash #WorldWarZ #fridaythe13th #hard #talk #argument #girlfriend #I_need_girlfrend #Doom_Cummies #Jerk_Me_Mommy #Rock #classicrock #best #blizzard #games #sombra #dumb #DVA #Torb #Bastion #FridayThe13th #PC #TV #electronics #lose #win #comedy #Horror #videogame #console #apex #apexLegends #2k19 #2k20 #gaming #ark #legend #bangalore #pathfinder #gameplay #COD #ModernWarfare #gunfight #2v2 #BestFriend#RedSpectarGaming #Like4Like #PS4 #PC #Gaming #TOP500 #girlgamer #Sub4Sub #Awesome #rage #NOTCLICKBAIT #Genji #Overwatch2 #Mei #Red #Specter #Spekter #Gaming #XBOX #english #diamond #trash #silver #Ps5 #girl #predator #releasedate #D2 #D1 #F13 #MK11 #fun #Awesome #food #DPS #Tank #Healer #Support #English #fortnite #builder #awesome