A Day In The Life of Russel - gtarp shorts #shorts

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2021-02-07 submitted by
Directionally Challenged
Hey I’m directionally challenged here to check out this whole youtube #shorts thing. So I’m testing it out, let me know if this worked out or not! I’m bringing back some of the hours of russel footage I have for this, enjoy some never before seen GTARP shorts! Hope you like it and let me know if you want me to do some more of these little rp shorts or not! youtube shorts here I come, shorts I will make for you, youtube short! I don’t know what else I should put down here so I’m going to see if I can test out youtubes bizzare algorithms. By throwing in things like hey, this is a gtarp shorts video! Yeah, that gta 5, the really old game gta v! You thought gta 5 rp was long gone? You’re wrong! So we’re here with some gta shorts, maybe you’ll get more gta roleplay shorts if this video does well. Maybe you will get more rp shorts in gneral if this does well. Hit the Subscribe button to become a Navigator! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkcTwbldNqmSuf0KBkPl8mA?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Social Media! twitter: https://twitter.com/DCplaysgames facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DirectionallyChallengedGaming Player.Me: https://player.me/directionchallenged Music stuffs- End Slate Music:Ouroboros Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Ross Bugden - Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVBgKCYrI-c
Directionally Challenged
youtube shorts
youtube short
gtarp shorts
gta 5
gta v
gta 5 rp
gta shorts
gta roleplay shorts
gta rp shorts
rp shorts
funny moments
GTARP funny moments
GTA funny moments
gta rp
gta roleplay
A Day In The Life of Russel
A Day In The Life of Russel - gtarp shorts #SHORTS
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